Sunday, November 18, 2012

If I Die Young

Lots of people make a bucket list of things they want to do before they die, and a lot of people will go on to do those things during retirement when they've saved enough money and the kids are out of the house. I think it's a great way to visualize all the things you want to accomplish, see, and do in this lifetime, and I really respect people that get to fulfill even one thing on their bucket list. But what if you don't make it to retirement? Or what if the things you wanted to do you are no longer able to because of bad health? I know it's a bit dark, but there's always a chance I'm not going to live to be 90, with 20 great-grandkids, and a content life of love and happiness.

I had a mental list of things I've always wanted to do, but instead of making it into a bucket list, I decided to make it into a "things to do before I'm 30" list. Because however sinister it may be, I might die young or lose my physical ability before my time. I know I might not accomplish everything on my list before I actually turn 30, but I'd certainly like to try.

Things to Do Before I'm 30

1. Volunteer or work overseas: Whether it's for a month or a year, I'd love this experience abroad to see new things, meet new people, and get to know myself better.
2. Visit a new continent: I've been to Europe and Africa, so I'd love to see some of South America, Asia, and/or Australia. I am really looking into a work holiday program in New Zealand, so number 1 on my list might help me kill two birds with one stone.
3. Read the best 100 novels of all time: I understand that this list could vary greatly depending on who you talk to, but I'd just like to read as many classic novels as possible, and hopefully I can hit 100 before I'm 30.
4. Visit Washington D.C. and New York City: I've never been to the east coast except for Florida, so I would love to see New York City and our nation's capitol.
5. Return to Europe: I love Europe. So I'd really like to go back and see some sights I might've missed the first 2 times, and I would really want to go with family this time, because my parents have never been to Europe, and I think they would love it.
6. Get a Master's degree: At this point, I intend on getting a degree in Physician Assistant studies, and I hope I can accomplish this by the time I'm 30.
7. Pay off student loans: This might not be that reasonable seeing as how I could be finishing up or continuing a master's program at age 30, but it's a nice thought.
8. Start an IRA: I happened to read about IRAs in a flyer my dad had a few years ago, and I think it would be really financially responsible of me to start a retirement account at a young age, just so I (and my future family) have less to stress about.
9. Run a marathon: I've ran in 5Ks, but I've always wanted to run a marathon. I think it would take a lot of discipline and integrity, which I could always use more of.
10. Audition for a reality TV show: I've already fulfilled my dream of being an audience member on Price is Right, but I think it would fun to audition for Real World, or Survivor, or American Idol. I doubt I would get on any of those, but the thrill of trying would be enough for me.
11. Write a novel: I have a lot of kooky ideas in my noggin, and I think it would be awesome to write a novel. I wouldn't necessarily even try to publish it, I think finishing it would be enough for me.
12. Learn Spanish: I took a couple semesters in college, and I am planning on taking the next level next semester, so this goal is actually not too intangible. Spanish is just an important language in American culture, and I think it'd be a good skill to have.

13. Be a vegetarian for at least a month: I've always wanted to try it, just to see how I can do, and because it would help keep me thinking about what I'm eating. However, I really do like eating meat, so this might be tougher for me than one might think.
14. Learn guitar: I have a guitar, but I have no idea how to play it. I would really like to learn.
15. Go to a world-renowned party: I think it would be amazing to see Carnaval, Mardi Gras, or Oktoberfest, and experience the culture of an event of that magnitude.
16. Attend at least 10 concerts for bands I've never heard of: I love going to concerts, and I really enjoy when I find new music to listen to. What better way to explore than see someone play live?

I'm sure I'll want to add things to this list as I get older, and it might become a bucket list after I reach the ripe old age of 30. But for now, these are the things that I dream about accomplishing. Here's to hoping that I don't die young, and get the opportunity to say that I lived my life to the fullest while I was still able to enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cleanin' Out My Closet

You know those days when you're doing something you've done a dozen times, but it leads to an epiphany? Well, I had one of those epiphanies today while cleaning out my closet.

My brain ran the usual track of, "Well, you went shopping and have a couple new shirts to hang up, but you're out of hangers... aka you have too many clothes and will never be able to wear all of these in a million years." I agreed with my brain, and began to stare at my clothing to decide who wasn't worthy anymore. As I began to pull a few items, my brain continued thinking (big surprise, right?). It said, "You know, if you only bought a couple things here and there when you went shopping instead of buying as much as your bank account allows, you would have a skinnier closet and a fatter wallet."

As usual, I tried to suppress my brain's line of rational thinking and told it to shut up because I'm young, and need to be fashionable and broke, or I wouldn't meet the status quo. But this time it was more persistent. The more my brain spat out logic, the less it sounded like my brain and the more it sounded like my mother's voice. Now I know I'm eventually going to turn into a modified version of my mother someday, but it is just happening too quickly. We have a very similar sense of humor and our views on a lot of world and life issues are also the same, which makes sense because she has always been my role model. But as my brain became my mother's voice of reason, I realized just how smart and logical it was actually sounding. Why should I spend all my spare cash on clothes I am only going to wear a couple times because they're cute, but they don't actually fit right? And why do I need to hold onto older clothes that I will never consider wearing again?

I am young and sometimes fashion possesses my brain and steals from my wallet, but I know I can't keep up the "I'm still young and can make mistakes" charade forever. My mom always told me to make things simple, and I always make them complicated. I think it's time I actually put some effort into listening to what she's been saying. Now, I will never promise to change the way I think and act overnight, because I'd be lying to everyone, but I really do need to start growing up and make my life more simple. If not only for my own sanity, but also for my mother's.

At least I know that if my mother has always been right and I'm turning into her, then someday I can always be right, too.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

No Scrubs

I was in a relationship for 4 years with my high school boyfriend. I thought he was perfect for me, and then things slowly fizzled (some due to the fact that we went to college 5 hours away from each other). Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed being in a relationship with him when it was happening and I don't regret any of it, but the more I think about who we are now and how we've grown into young adults, our personalities don't mesh like they used to. 

Now that I've been single for about a year and a half, I've had a lot of time to see the douchecanoes of the world in action. There have been some good guys out there I've met, but for whatever reason, we never got past a few texts before one of us turned the other down. I know I'm young, and I've got plenty of time to date, and have my heart broken, but I also don't want to waste my precious time on someone who is totally not right for me. As a female, I've of course thought about my ideal man, and therefore I will share my list of said dream-guy qualities with the interwebs.

Dreamboat top qualities check-list:
1. Educated. He doesn't have to be a rocket scientist, but a college degree is highly favorable. If I crack a joke that's based on something from 9th grade science, I want him to understand it.
2. Sense of humor. I have one (or so I think) and I'd like him to, also. I love to laugh and be sarcastic and act completely ridiculous, and if the dude doesn't appreciate that, then adios.
3. Outdoorsy. I sincerely enjoy camping and the great outdoors. My dude needs to be willing to go on a hike and be able to pitch a tent (and I am not referring to the one that happens in pants). A little nature-scruff facial hair also won't hurt his chances.
4. Musical. I don't care what instrument it is, but he has to know how to play something other than women and call of duty. Obviously, anything stringed or related to a rock band is going to get him more points.
5. Good taste in music. We don't have to love every song that each other plays, but he has to be willing to listen to what I like, because obviously it's the best music out there. I don't want a guy that solely listens to modern country music. Ugh. Hand-in-hand with this, he needs to like going to concerts.  
6. No criminal background. Some girls think that guys that are badasses are hot. Not me. I understand the occasional underage drinking ticket or speeding ticket, but it's not okay if you have charges for battery or robbery against you. If you own a gun that's not specifically for hunting, please don't bother me. There are enough issues in this world without you waving a .45 around.
7. Well-groomed. He doesn't need to wear armani or even abercrombie for that matter, but he has to present himself like a real adult. And showering on a regular basis is a necessity. No one likes greasy hair or the smell of BO. Please smell like you give a shit, not are a piece of one.
8. Family-oriented. Dude's gotta have a good relationship with his family. It makes for much less emotional turmoil. And I want to have kids someday, so he clearly needs to want them, too. Hell, I want to be a foster parent if I'm financially sound, so I'd be overjoyed to find someone with the same sentiment.
9. Full of Wanderlust. I love traveling, and I plan to travel as much as my adult finances allow. It would be ideal if he wanted to come on adventures with me, whether it's to a state park or halfway around the globe.
10. A sports fan. I am a die-hard WI sports fan, be it the Badgers, Packers, or Brewers, in good seasons or pitiful ones. He doesn't have to be a WI fan, because a little rivalry would be fun, too.
11. Cares about his body. He absolutely cannot smoke. I can't stand the smell of cigarettes, and I have chronic bronchitis, so I'd be coughing up half my lung all day. If he's going to smoke an occasional cigar with the dudes, okay. He also needs to maintain his body. I'm no fitness model, and he doesn't have to be either, but I don't want a man that's going to keel over at 35 because he didn't give a shit about what he was consuming or just never considered going for a jog.

If you happen to know anyone that fulfills all of these standards, I'll be upset if you don't immediately set us up on a date. I'm sure I'm being unrealistic with my expectations, but I don't intend on settling for just anyone. I probably will meet Mr. Right someday and chuckle at the ones he doesn't even come close to fulfilling. But for right now, I'm sticking to these 11 points, because I don't want no scrub.

Monday, September 24, 2012

We Are Young

You know that feeling when you wake up and wonder how you got home and why every single cell in your body feels like it's dying? Wait, what did you say? You're a responsible young adult and you never drink too much. Well, that can't be fun. Except for avoiding the hangover part.

Forewarning for this blog post: if you are actually a responsible adult or my mother, you will probably frown upon my behavior and be tsk-tsking me into oblivion. Sorry, I'm not that sorry.

Needless to say, I am young and I like to go out with my friends. Apparently my body doesn't agree with me though, because it thinks I'm 50 years old and need an entire day following my excessive alcohol consumption to recover. I'm sure spending that recovery day in an Indian food cook-off with my brown friends as a treat for their Danish friends doesn't really help speed the recovery, though. (That's a whole nother story and, probably much to your dismay, I won't get too much into it. Except me and mah girls definitely made the better dish, and got to enjoy the beauty of foreign men whilst consuming our savory meal. Booyah!)

A recap of events that occurred (and that I remember) from my Saturday night include, but are most definitely not limited to:
- getting 'iced' by a friend immediately upon arrival at the place of pre-gaming
- chugging a freshly opened beer because our cab arrived ridiculously fast (I swear the driver was already outside before my friend hung up his phone... he probably worked at Jimmy John's before becoming a cab driver)
- riding on the lap of a friend of a friend (she's awesome) at an awkward angle on the way to the bar in the front seat of the cab because we had too many people
- having a creepy conversation with our freaky fast cab driver on various explicit topics
- devouring cheese curds, 2 vodka lemonades, 2 rum and cokes, a jaegerbomb & irish car bomb (aka a bear fight) within 2 hours
- arriving at the next bar

Note that I do not remember anything after arriving at the second watering hole. I'm sure it was fun, and that I had a lovely time, but apparently I walked home alone whilst blacked out. I'm alive, so that's good, but having a college education clearly doesn't stop me from making potentially disastrous decisions. However, I do vaguely remember having a conversation with some people at a crosswalk and exclaiming "I love my children" repeatedly. I don't remember mentioning that this was in reference to the kids I work with, so they probably all thought I was a horrible mother that was avoiding parenting by getting smashed.

Alas, I awoke the next morning and took a solid 20 minutes before moving a muscle, probably because I couldn't. My thoughts immediately strayed to my purse and jacket, hoping that all of their contents were intact. Upon a first inspection, I was upset with myself over $40 missing from my wallet. There was still $15 inside, so my hazy confusion was especially great. I thought maybe I dropped it after pulling it out to pay for something or maybe someone took it, or maybe I just went batshit crazy and spent $40 at the bar.

An hour later I reached for my gum in said party purse (probably hoping the mint would sooth my pounding head), and low and behold, my $40 was safely tucked in next to Shawn White's face (I have an addiction to the Stride Whitemint gum with the redheaded athlete, whom I can't decide is attractive or not). How my cash ended up next to my minty sticks of deliciousness will always be a mystery to me, but I have a conspiracy theory that I was so drunk I probably tried to pay little cardboard Shawn White's face to take me on a real date.

Oh, the majesty of alcohol.

P.S. Be better than me and don't drink past your blackout limit. It's probably not a good idea.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


My cat is a creeper. Simple as that.

There is a small gap between my bed and the wall because of the heater running the length of the baseboard. While laying in bed, I'll see a little head pop up occasionally, which scares the bejesus out of me, although I really should be used to it by now. I also have my phone charger plugged into that wall, and a little paw always reaches up and tries to pull it out. She is probably going to cause me to have a dead phone several times. Either that, or she'll get electrocuted and I'll have a dead cat instead. One is slightly more preferable.

She also learned how to get all the way to the top of the kitchen cabinets. I can't wait for the day when she just pounces on someone's head. Ok, maybe I can wait, because it might be me.

Exhibit A: creeping from on high

The worst is when I take a shower. She perches on the edge of the tub between the fabric shower curtain, and the plastic liner. If I happen to get too close while singing and soaping up, I get pummeled by little paws through the liner. I might as well be staying at the Bates Motel. At least evolution reassures me that I don't have to worry about her wielding a knife due to her lack of opposable thumbs.

Needless to say, I will probably have a myocardial infarction (or heart attack, for those of you who thought I just said something rudely inappropriate) because of this little peeping tom.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Where Do We Go From Here

This being my very first post on my very first blog, I believe it would be rude of me not to give the world (aka you) a small look into my current life (although if you're reading this, you probably know me... you poor thing, you).

Well, I am just a small town girl, living in a lonely world. But really. I am a recent graduate of the majestic University of Wisconsin - Madison, with a few big dreams (some very, very intangible) and the expectation that I will eventually fulfill them all. I'm single, in my early 20's, and basically always ready for a good time, whether it involves Carly Rae Jepsen and Owl City, or not. I live with two of my awesome guy friends and I'm a mom to a fluffy, adorable (and ridiculously needy) kitty. Her name is Ella, the dudemates call her 'dog'. Meh.

I work with kids, elementary through high school, and they are always teaching me new things. I am positive that I will have a plethora of posts about my experiences with them in the future, because kids say the darnedest things. However, I ultimately want to attend grad school to become a physician assistant, and I might throw a master's of public health in there, too. Did I mention I was a German major in college? My life is a hodgepodge of my personality. I'm not sure if that's good or bad yet, but I haven't been too disappointed so far.

I decided to start a blog because I have a lot of random thoughts in my head, and funny stories to tell about my daily life. I'm not sure what kind of posts my brain will tell my hands to type, some of them might be more serious and completely lacking in delivering you the kind of enjoyment that the comics section of the newspaper does. Hopefully, I can ultimately make you giggle once or twice while you read, because I live to make other people laugh. I also hope to help you feel like less of a douchecanoe in your own life, as I am a pretty substantial one myself. Basically, if you enjoy reading what I write, carry on with your visual absorption of my thoughts. If not, then you are an actual robot that wasn't programmed to love.

Well, that's me in a nutshell (not a literal one, of course... I'm not a fan of small, dark spaces).

P.S. If you are still reading, kudos to you, for you have not yet overdosed on Molly (me or the drug).